
Mastering the Art of Sales Negotiation with Mike Inman

posted by Darren Mitchell May 24, 2024 0 comments

One of the most important skills any salesperson and sales leader must learn is the ability to effectively negotiate. Often when sales people are under pressure to hit a number and to close a deal, the balance of power can sit with the buyer, especially when the person in the buying organisation is an experienced negotiator. This can result in the sales person giving too much away in order to close the deal, thereby diluting margin and quite often, credibility in the eyes of the customer. In today’s episode, I have the privilege of speaking with Mike Inman, an experienced sales leader, procurement specialist, and now, highly sought after negotiations trainer. He is the partner at NegotiationTraining.com by Tableforce, and shares tonnes of value for any sales person and sales leader seeking to increase their capabilities in sales negotiations.

To connect with Mike and to learn more about what he does, go to:

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/negotiatormike/

Website – https://negotiationtraining.com/

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