
Humanising Sales & Sales Leadership – Collin Mitchell

posted by Darren Mitchell December 20, 2022 0 comments

If you ask most people about what they think about sales, the vast majority will answer with descriptions such as ‘pushy’, ‘untrustworthy’, ‘aggressive’. It has almost been accepted that people in sales must demonstrate those characteristics, which is unfortunate. Rarely do you hear someone describe sales as ethical, genuine and authentic, but that is exactly the characteristics that great sales people possess & demonstrate. In today’s episode, I enjoyed a fabulous conversation with Collin Mitchell, Chief Evangelist at Humantic AI, host of the Sales Transformation Podcast, and serial entrepreneur. We talked about the importance of sales being not about ‘always be closing’ but ‘always be helping’, of leading the sales team from the trenches, embracing remote sales teams, demonstrating the right behaviours, and creating a robust and executable sales plan. I hope you enjoy the conversation.

To connect with Collin, his Podcast and to learn more about Humantic AI, please go to:

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/collincmitchell/

Sales Transformation Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/sales-transformation/id1533493437

Humantic AI – https://humantic.ai/

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