
No Douchebag Selling with Coach Dan Gordon

posted by Darren Mitchell June 21, 2024 0 comments

When facilitating workshops with sales teams, I often ask how many of them love to be sold to. How many do think stick their hands up? Literally none. When I ask how many of them love to buy, just about every hand goes up. What’s fascinating is that often sales people are the ones who do not like to be sold to, and yet, they are trained to be the sales person who is constantly looking for clues to sniff out an opportunity, and to close a live prospect at every chance. In other words, often act like a douchebag, at least in the eyes of their prospect. There is a better way-selling authentically. In today’s episode, I’m joined by Coach Dan Gordon, Executive Business Coach & Speaker, as he shares insights and ideas from many years in sales & marketing, on how to sell like a badass & not like a douche. He also provides his cell number for you to take advantage of some free resources.

To connect with Dan and to learn more about what he does, go to:

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachdangordon/

Website – https://dangordonenterprise.com/

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