
The Effective Presenter – Ryan Warriner

posted by Darren Mitchell February 17, 2023 0 comments

As leaders, one of the key responsibilities we have is to communicate a message to our team, to our business, to key stakeholders, to customers, as well as to the market. Unfortunately many leaders do not spend enough time considering their message and more importantly, how that message needs to be delivered. The result? Often the message falls flat, and even worse, the receiver of the message not taking the action we want. We need to get better at delivering our message, and in today’s episode, Ryan Warriner does just that. Ryan is a Professor of Communication, an Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Executive Trainer and Coach, and has a fascinating background, starting his career in teaching children. If you are looking to improve your communication capabilities, especially presenting, then this episode is a must listen.

To connect with Ryan, please go to:

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanjwarriner/

Website – https://www.professionalpresentationservices.com/

Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-professionally-speaking-podcast/id1600699083

To purchase a copy of Ryan’s book, ‘The Effective Presenter’, please go to : https://www.amazon.com/Effective-Presenter-Winning-Business-Presentations-ebook/dp/B09MMNX8PG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FVO6QZCUONOU&keywords=The+effective+presenter&qid=1676598218&sprefix=the+effective+presenter%2Caps%2C330&sr=8-1

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