
What Leadership Legacy Will You Leave?

posted by Darren Mitchell February 7, 2022 0 comments

Over the weekend we lost a legend in the personal development industry, Bob Proctor.

I first came across Bob’s work in the early 2000’s, and I admit, from day 1, I was hooked. Whether through his books, training programs, or his video messages, he continued to promote growth mindset, a focus on abundance and possibility thinking. Much of the philosophies that I live & lead by today can be directly attributed to Bob’s work. For that, I am eternally grateful.

Bob never set out to create a legacy. If you listen to his story, he was working in a firehouse, just trying to make ends meet, when he met a man who would change his life forever – Ray Stanford. Ray handed Bob a book, Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think And Grow Rich’. Not only did the book lead Bob to change his thinking about what was possible for his own life, it lead him on an Odyssey that would see Bob become one of the most revered and sought after personal development educators and leaders in the world. Bob made it his life’s work to teach & inspire others to do more, and become more. Millions of people have been positively impacted by his work.

So what does this have to do with us as Sales Leaders? Everything!

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