
Don’t Try To Boil The Ocean – Boil The Kettle First!!!

posted by Darren Mitchell October 2, 2023 0 comments

You may be thinking what a weird title for a podcast? 🙃

And you may be correct, however, in sales, so many sales leaders and their teams are trying their very hardest to boil the ocean.

  • Putting pressure on themselves to land the big strategic deal.
  • The iconic new logo.
  • The multi million deal.
  • The deal that will change the entire trajectory of their business.

And often, salespeople look for opportunities to be involved in these big deals, to be part of the team that wins that major new logo. All the while, there are opportunities left right and centre that are not only going unnoticed, they are not being converted. Why? Because too many are trying to boil the ocean.

Big deals will always be there, and whilst they are exciting to be part of, sometimes we need to focus on boiling the kettle first.

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