
What Inspires You?

posted by Darren Mitchell November 3, 2022 0 comments

Working full time in professional development and leadership over the last 7 years, I have had the privilege of working with a massive variety of teams and their leaders, across multiple industries and countries.

What has always intrigued me is what inspires leaders and their teams to become exceptional. You notice I didn’t say ‘motivates’. 

Last week was another example – working with some highly engaged, enthusiastic leaders and the topic of motivation came up – as it often does. What was intriguing was the number of leaders who believed a key responsibility they had was to motivate their team. It was well over 50%. For those who felt they had to ‘motivate’ their team to perform I asked them how their stamina was and specifically how the performance of the team was tracking. The answer – both not great. So I asked them a very important question – ‘What inspires you?’ That’s the topic of today’s episode.

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