I attended a function recently where a lady shared a very moving & inspiring story about facing challenges, overcoming adversity and making a difference. Leslie (not her real name) shared her story involving physical and mental health issues, drug & alcohol issues, as well as domestic violence. Overwhelmingly, her story was about persistence, belief and hope, and that despite what happens to us, we all have personal power. What Leslie endured over a number of years was difficult to hear and comprehend, and yet, despite the pain she endured, as well as the ‘dark times’, never once did Leslie see herself as a victim or helpless. And she shared with us a single moment when she decided that enough was enough, that the cycle was going to stop & that she needed to rediscover her voice and allow it to be heard. She then realised that she was not alone, and so, in her seemingly darkest hour, she reached out to others and offered them a helping hand. It was through helping others that she decided to form a foundation to provide structured support and assistance to others in a similar situation.
In speaking with Leslie, there were a number of insights and lessons she learned through her challenges and adversity, which we can all learn from, including :
- We all have a voice – Leslie discovered that despite what was happening in her environment, she still had the power to make a choice as to how she responded in the environment – her voice mattered, as does yours.
- We have a great capacity to be resilient – Leslie discovered through her experiences that she had a massive capacity to overcome challenges & obstacles. She proved to herself and others that she possessed a fighting spirit so strong, it could not be underestimated. And so do you.
- We choose to define our identity – our identity is not determined by others, unless we allow it to be, which is in itself, a choice. It is not determined by what happens to us either, unless we allow it to be. Choosing to define who we are defines our character and provides us with personal power. We own it.
- There is always hope – no matter what is happening in our environment, as long as hope exists, there is a possible solution to any problem. Even if there appears to be only a small light at the end of the tunnel, walk towards it and maintain hope – the light will get bigger.
- We have an amazing capacity to give – in her darkest hour, Leslie decided to give to others, and through this approach, the law of reciprocity kicked in and she received more than she ever expected. She learned that in order to receive support, she gave support. The key learning here is that if you believe you are lacking in a particular area, focus on giving to others in that area, and you shall be taken care of. For example, if you are seeking encouragement, be more encouraging of others.
- We can be more accepting of others and have great capacity to forgive – through her experiences, Leslie realised the power of forgiveness removed judgement and allowed her to be more accepting of others, and hence increased her capacity to serve others.
Her concluding message was exceptionally powerful – ‘I discovered that it is not what happens to you that defines you. It is the meaning you give it and how you choose to respond to what happens to you, that defines you. Our personal power is one of our greatest assets, which can actually appreciate over time. Therefore, continue to make deposits into your personal power and invest in it’.
Thank you Leslie for sharing your story and for sharing the lessons & insights.
I trust that there is an insight from Leslie’s experience that can add value to you and to your clients.
To your success.
If we haven’t already connected via LinkedIn, please send me an invitation to connect. I would love to connect.
I would also welcome the opportunity to have a conversation with you. I currently have 3 slots available over the next week for a 30 minute 1:1 strategy call. If you are experiencing a current challenge around your leadership, I would love to help. Send me an email at darren@darrenmitchell.com.au and we’ll set up a time to chat. No obligation, and no cost. I look forward to connecting with you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post – I greatly appreciate it, and welcome comments and feedback. Please feel free to comment below, to follow me on LinkedIn, or to connect via Twitter or Facebook.
Darren is a Sales Leadership and Sales Performance Coach, Facilitator & Speaker. He is an experienced and committed coach with a background of sales leadership success in large organisations. He applies a genuine focus to coaching and developing high performing sales leaders who are looking to unleash the potential of themselves and their teams.